We are

Tung Tang


The first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.

What we do

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.


Corporate Video

Digital media has gained its own fair share of popularity in this era.  A corporate video is an effective and more creative way of communicating a brand story which ropes in their vision, mission and beliefs.

TV Commercial

We are a one stop solution for all your TV Commercial needs. We excel in delivering your company’s message through crisp and creative TV Commercial Ads. We are a name that you can trust.

Short Films

In this new era of digitization where we literally want everything now and quick, the way we consume media has also changed. Everyone loves short films which comes up with simple but innovative topics.

Music VIdeo

Music Videos are always special, it gives the audience the visualization and the thoughts of following the dream.

Video Concepts

As a video agency, we work with many companies to help build a communication strategy and brand positioning.

Video Editing

We have a strong team of editors who not only deliver the required video but stitch the story to deliver the most impact on consumer. 


We Promote intellectual property of an artists with full royalties 

The videos we produce, all the artists related with the video gets their royalties and we always keep the artists Intellectual Property intact with proper copyright law.


Satisfied Clients

Ongoing Projects


Why we are different

Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.

Our Latest Work

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.

Our Skills

Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.
Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.
Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.
Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.
Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.
  • Video Concept 100%
  • Corporate Video – 77%
  • Design and Editing – 85%
  • short Film – 80%
  • Royalty Transfer – 100%

We design your thoughts

Tung Tang Entertainment is a production house in Bangladesh. Its the first production house to give royalties to its artists and provide you all with full on entertainment.




Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Feel free to contact us for any kind of quaries realted with video production, video concept creation, intellectual property related issue, promote your skills and tallents.